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Agile Software Product Specification Template


Developing software is a highly complex process. That’s where product specifications come into play to form the backbone of the project, clarify all vague requirements, set out the clear project scope, define the specific acceptance criteria. Effective product specifications will ease the development process and make sure the product owners and development team are on the same page.


On the one hand, writing a formal product specification document requires product requirements to be crystal clear from the early phases. Either it consumes a lot of time. On the other hand, in the real world, especially the startup world, we often don’t have enough valuable information until we build the MVP and get the actual market feedback. Faster time to market is the second critical point that sets the foundation for startup success. To resolve this dilemma, we design a product specification template written in an Agile way, consisting of 2 major factors: user stories and acceptance criteria.


To understand the WHY behind it, refer to How to write a practical “Agile” software product specification for startups.


Download this “Agile” product specification template that we often use with our startup clients to design a robust MVP implementation plan and transcend your business to the next level!


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